Sunday, July 5, 2009

Patrol Box-
I did not realize how helpful a patrol box really was until I did not have one for my new unit. I have been looking around at different styles and here is a small sample as to what I found.

Basic Boy Scout Patrol Kitchen Box

The plans for this box are found in the Patrol Sketchbook. I found my copy on

I really like this basic box. It has openings from each side which allows access to all the interior items and also gives a place to cook out of.

I find that when camping in a location with picnic tables, that we have opened the box so that one side lays even with the table and we have easy access to the food, plates, condiments, and more.

This box is tried and truly works great.

5 out of 5

Troop 414 special

This box seems to be specially made to hold all the gear for each patrol.

If you look carefully, you will see that there is a very useful compartment to the left for a camp saw and hatchet. These items may not initially seem to belong in a kitchen box, but then we consider that in order to cook over an open fire one must have firewood. These tools make that process much easier.

You can find this picture on troop 414's web site along with the pictures of a few more.

I have seen a lot of patrol boxes. I have seen some that could not be carried by two scouts and others that were able to be picked up by only one person. Just experiment as you make your box and have fun with it. And don't forget to give it a good coat of paint. The outside can really advertise your troop and chartered organization.

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